
Showing posts from September, 2014

Caught Up.

"I thought I had found the one" a line many women can relate to, and yes, I am a woman in that space. What went wrong I asked myself? While letting desperation get the best of me by endlessly stalking him, even making myself believe that I needed closure, just one last steamy session  with him,"I'll see" he said, a night that ended with me taking a candle lit shower from disappointment,no phone call, no text, nothing!! Rejection hurts,and the only time you are going through a break up is when everyone around you suddenly in love. Drunken nights temporarily ease the pain, until you find yourself blasting out malicious things about them to console yourself,  "he looked like Flava Flav", "he was broke anyway", All or any sound familiar ladies? I believe that the media instills us with unrealistic expectations, or have I really not found the one yet? But, no man has ever stood in the rain calling my name on his knees, begging for my forgiveness,