Script application-Tiisetso Nkome

“Rose Petals Are Fragile”

“Rose! I am tired of you treating me the way you do, you have insecurities that you need to work on that you keep blaming me for and I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! You come from a dysfunctional home” yelled Rose’s boyfriend Kevin in a heated argument.

A song starts playing (in the background) Gramercy Park by Alicia Keys

“I’ve been trying to be everything that you want me to be, I’ve been doing all the things that you want to see, I’ve been trying to fulfill your every need and now you’re falling for a person that’s not even me, cause I forgot about the person that I used to be.”

She’s a young girl born into this world not knowing her purpose in this world is, what her future has in store for her but big dreams ahead of her and hope clinched in a tiny fist. In an ideal world this little girl could possibly grow up to become a doctor, lawyer or even a world renowned singer ‘the world is your oyster you can become anything if you set your mind to it’ as the old saying goes. Unfortunately, no one talks about how uncertainties and certain realities can strip the hope and dreams out of a little girl and make her miss out on so much of what living and life has to offer. Her name is Rose, a beautiful flower with a troubled soul.

“How did I get here? Why am I so confused?” she sits and wonders while drifting into space as she digs into the skin on her face with her unkempt nails. Rose is now finds herself at a critical age, she is in her last year of her 20s so frightened by how life and time has zoomed right before her eyes, how she missed out on so many opportunities and almost feels as if she is drowning inside and can’t save herself, she tries to take a deep breath in so that she can get rid of the overwhelming feeling of a potato sitting at her throat from holding back the many tears that inside her heavy heart that she wants to let out.

A weekend before Rose and Kevin got into an argument Rose went out with her mother, sister and son to her mothers’ colleagues house warming. Rose felt so out of place at the house warming clinging onto her sister for social acceptance, something she had gotten used to from childhood. She travels back to a time in  grade 1 when her older sister with excitement brought her friends to come meet her little sister who had started grade 1 in the same school as her, “why is she so much darker than you?” one exclaimed “Are you sure that you two are sisters, same mother and father?” Rose never knew that this would become something that would follow her into her social world to, as she also grew up hearing her parents argue about her paternity and an affair her mother had engaged in around the same time of her conception. “Why can’t I just be accepted for who I am anywhere?” This embedded social insecurities for Rose which followed her into adulthood.

Rose gobbled the champagne to get her comfortable enough to talk to everyone without feeling any of her insecurities that hang over her head like a dark cloud. After a night of partying Rose and her family make their way back home, in the car Rose begins to have thoughts that overwhelm her, those that seemingly won’t stop following her as her mother begins to do what she was doing at the house warming, and in everyday life since Rose can remember, speaking HIGHLY of Mandy Rose’s sister her mother and fathers favorite child. “Did you see how Duke and Anthony were looking at you my baby? You really get on with everyone everywhere we go” Mandy responded: “Mom we all just got on just fine even Rose” Rose responded to her mother’s remarks as she couldn’t bite her tongue as it was filled with liquor courage “Mom talking about Mandy as always, nothing new.” Soon it turned into a bad argument that forced Mandy to pull the car over as it obstructed her driving, Judith, Roses’s mother came out of the car challenging Rose to hit her, with Mandy and Rose’s son trying to stop her, Judith pushed Rose’s little boy which infuriated Rose and in turn pushed Judith then Judith flung a large cider bottle to Rose’s eye which instantly swelled her eye shut. The drive back home continued in complete silence, Rose sat in silence aggravated feeling like screaming as all of the pain and anger that she had built up from all of the years of not speaking out on how she had felt. Rose tried to talk to Judith when they got home bursting into tears as she poured her heart out on how tired she was of always feeling like an outcast and worthy of being loved, Judith laughed so loud at her. Rose went outside with a defeated heart and soul, she broke down into tears and cried the loudest she had ever without caring who would hear her to only come back inside the house minutes later to find her mother on the phone with her friends painting a bad picture of Rose as she had always done, boasting about hitting her with a bottle. 

Rose lost it and broke her mother’s door down which frightened Judith. Rose went days without speaking to anyone but her son, she avoided Kevin until she couldn’t anymore, Kevin called her through a video call and noticed her blue and black shut eye. Rose opened up to her boyfriend, something she had never done with anyone she had dated before as she was scared of being judged for her family dynamic and having a low self-esteem. Kevin didn’t waste time throwing Rose’s painful confession in an argument that had nothing to do with Rose’s family in her face, as if he had been waiting on something to emotionally abuse her about. Rose realized that she spent most if not all of her life seeking validation and affirmation from the people closest to her that she done it in her romantic relationships too.

 Rose needs to learn to love herself for who she is and embrace who she is instead of constantly having to work hard for love and approval.

Rose is still searching for the meaning of love and life so that she can give it to her child, her petals are frail still but her thorns remain her strength.


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